Our Journey together

Hola you two!

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Congratulations. You’re getting married!
And on top of that you’re coming to Mallorca!
Double the excitement!

I’m Prit, your celebrant.
And, for me, your ceremony lies at the core of your entire wedding day.
It’s what makes a wedding a wedding and not just a party!
The promises you make to each other are what form the basis of your marriage for years to come.
So it’s important we get it right.

I want to give you the amazing ceremony you deserve that’s super personal,
meaningful and reflects your unique relationship and love story. 

In fact, my aim is to make your ceremony so personal that people think I’m one of your closest friends!

To help me get there, we need to go on a journey together.

This page will guide you through that journey,
step by step and should hopefully answer or even raise some questions before our get-to-know chat.

Looking forward to meeting you soon!

Congratulations. You’re getting married!
And on top of that you’re coming to Mallorca!
Double the excitement!

I’m Prit, your celebrant.
And, for me, your ceremony lies at the core of your entire wedding day.
It’s what makes a wedding a wedding and not just a party!
The promises you make to each other are what form the basis of your marriage for years to come.
So it’s important we get it right.

I want to give you the amazing ceremony you deserve that’s super personal,
meaningful and reflects your unique relationship and love story.

In fact, my aim is to make your ceremony so personal that people think I’m one of your closest friends!

To help me get there, we need to go on a journey together.

This page will guide you through that journey,
step by step and should hopefully answer or even raise some questions before our get-to-know chat.

Looking forward to meeting you soon!


” Prit is truly amazing at his job. He has the most calming presence… exactly what you need on your big day. “

– Sara & Felipe


Getting to know each other

Our first chat

Your wedding ceremony is the start of your big day. It’ll set the tone for what’s to come and get all of you in the right mood. 

For me, having a great rapport between the three of us is super important, when it comes to creating a super personal ceremony that will wow you and your guests. Not just that, but it’s what will put you at ease, before and during the ceremony. Honestly, I want us to feel so familiar with one another that by the time you’re facing me at the alter, it feels like you’re facing a good friend from way back.

And for that to happen, we need to get to know each other. Which all starts with our first virtual chat. In that first call, we’ll find out if we’re a good fit and you’ll know if you can trust me with making your wedding day extra special. 

You can ask me all the questions you’ve got and tell me all about your vision and dreams for your ceremony. Or at least share your first thoughts and ideas. If you have any! Don’t worry, I don’t expect you to have any of this figured out from the start! This is a journey that takes months and I’m here to guide you.

After our chat you’ll have time to talk to each other and decide if you’d like to go ahead.


Let's start planning

Lots of questions and Our 2nd chat

Now comes the fun bit.

Once you give me the green light,  I’ll start filling up your inbox with a few fun questionnaires; one you’ll fill out together and a secret one that you’ll each fill out privately. Of course you’re free to share as much or as little as you like. But the more you share with me the better, so I can really bring your love story to life. It’s always those special little details that get you and your guests laughing and crying and hanging on every word. 

I like to give you several months to complete the questionnaires, so nothing feels rushed and you can take your time and have fun with it! Here’s what a couple of my brides said:

“Thank you for allowing us a few more days for these personal questionnaires. (Who knew how hard it’d be to narrow down some of these answers… I feel quite full of love in reflecting from your worksheet, so thank you!)”

“I really enjoyed doing this, it took me back in time with all those amazing memories”

I love questionnaires. But I know we’re all different. So if that’s not your thing, we can jump on a call or you can leave me voice notes on WhatsApp.

And if you happen to be flying over to check out your venue, do a hair & makeup trial, taste the food, etc. I’d love to meet for a coffee. It’s the perfect way to get to know each other better and for me to naturally learn more about you.

And it doesn’t stop there! With your permission, I can even chat to that trusted friend or family member to get an outsider’s perspective on the two of you. 

I go out of my way to make your ceremony personal. Because it’s what I love doing!

I’ll even personalise your marriage vows. That way, the promises you make aren’t just any promises, but ones that are personal and meaningful to the two of you. 

Then, once I’ve learned all about you and crafted your super personal ceremony, we’ll have an in-depth chat about your running order, including your vows, your music, any special roles from friends and family and everything else that’ll make your ceremony meaningful to you. That usually raises extra questions and details you haven’t thought about, so it’s a great way to get that final list of to-do’s before our final chat.


Polishing it off

Our final chat before the big day

To make sure everything goes swimmingly and you haven’t forgotten anything, we’ll have one final chat about two weeks before your wedding. 

We’ll go through your running order one last time and check we’re all feeling confident. Of course some new things might have popped up since we last spoke, so you’ll have a chance to make some final tweaks and little additions if need be. 

To help you get organised for your trip to Mallorca, we’ll also go through a what-to-bring list including your personal vows, any special items for your ceremony and of course the all-important wedding rings! 

Then it’s “bon voyage” from me!


Your wedding day


It has arrived!

The day you’ve been dreaming about for yeeeears and planning for, for months on end, is finally here.

I’ll get there about one hour before the ceremony to set up and meet the other wedding professionals. And, if you want me to, I’ll come say hi to each of you, to make sure you’re both smiling and feeling good!

Calming nerves and putting people at ease is my speciality! So I’ll also happily welcome your family and friends and remind them that they’re there to have a good time. And to switch off their phones before your ceremony!

Once you’ve said your “I do’s”, I’d love to stay for a little while and mingle with your guests.

Celebrant fee 2025

What's included and what else I Can help you with

Celebrant fee


paid in one instalment or 1,300€ paid in two instalments


as part of my celebrant & mc package (see below)

This includes

a bespoke and fully personalised ceremony (25-30 mins.)

+  a free “Get To Know ” Chat (about 15 mins.)

+  the Ceremony Planning Chat (about 1 h)

+  a One-on-One with each of you to talk around your questionnaires (optional/about 30 mins.)

+  the Final Chat before the wedding (about 1 h)

+  as many calls, Zoom meetings and WhatsApp messages as you need

+  welcoming your guests to the ceremony as they arrive

+  help with your personal vows

+  VAT

It doesn’t include

–  travel expenses

–  a rehearsal

Add ons

Bilingual Ceremony (ENG/GER)

on request

If you have a mixture of English and German-speaking guests, you may want to include both languages in your ceremony. If this interests you, tell me what you have in mind during our “Get-to-know” Chat and I can make you an offer.

Wedding MC


By the way, I also MC at weddings!

So, once the ceremony’s over and everyone knows my face, I can stick around and host your entire evening reception. That means I’m there to gently usher your guests around and warmly announce all of those special moments, so they know the what, where and when. I’ll make sure every special part of your wedding day flows seamlessly into the next. From your canapés and cocktails to your grand exit and goodbyes. And everything in between. That way, you and your guests are in good hands from start to finish and all you have to do is relax and have fun!

Just as a celebrant, my hosting style is super personal and friendly. That means when I’m not behind the mic, I’ll be checking up on you to make sure you’re comfortable and having fun, mingling with your guests and even stealing little anecdotes to share in between the speeches. By the way, speeches are my speciality. So I’m more than happy to help with speech writing before the wedding. Or at least make sure your speakers feel ready on the day, confident holding the mic and get the personal introductions they deserve!

My Wedding MC Fee starts at 500€ and depends on what you want. Click here to find out more.

Ready to book your free chat?

There’s no other relationship and no other love story on this planet like yours.
And you deserve a ceremony that reflects that.

Just click on the button below to pick a date for your call and let’s chat!

Got questions?

I've got the answers!

Not a problem. Delays are quite common and so I account for that. I only ever book one ceremony per day, so I’m there for you 100%. Rest assured, you won’t see me clock-watching or rushing through your ceremony so I can speed off to my next gig!
You might have read stories about celebrants booking two or even three weddings per day and turning up late. But that’s not my style. I think it adds extra stress to everyone involved. 

Don’t worry. Again that’s quite common. And we can come up with an alternative way that works for you. For example, with the help of your wedding planner and photographer, we could carve out a moment during your couple’s photo shoot for you to share what you’ve written. That’s just one example. Let’s talk through all the options together and see what feels best to you.

To book your ceremony, I’ll ask you to pay the full fee of 1,200 € or the first instalment of 650 € latest one week after your confirmation. As a heads up, 600 € is a non-refundable deposit. As soon as I receive your bank transfer, I’ll secure your wedding date and then I’m all yours!

© CELEBRANT PRITUM PATEL  • All Rights Reserved • Todos Los Derechos Reservados